What Men Really Want From You: Five Laws of Attraction

What Men Really Want From You: Five Laws of Attraction


Watch the video as I share my first-hand insights into what men really want from you. Then read on below for the five laws of attraction.

So, as I said in the video, what men really want from you has little to do with your waist-hip ratio, your looks, or even what underwear you’re wearing. Here are the five laws of attraction that will help you create a deep connection with your guy.

What Men Really Want From You #1. Men want to feel good and successful around you

Men want to be with a woman who is happy and enjoying herself. Like I mention in the video, the happier you are and the more you’re enjoying yourself with him, the more successful and connected he feels to you. He takes credit for it. Your happiness is his happiness! And, even if he really hasn’t done anything in particular to bring you happiness in that moment, he instinctively knows that he has the power to please you.

Yet, if you’re not happy, he feels like he’s failed. In fact, believing they can’t please a woman is one of the biggest reasons men won’t commit.

This is why it’s so crucial for you to create a happy life for yourself, whether you’re single or in a relationship.

What Men Really Want From You #2. Men crave appreciation and validation

Men want to please you. In many ways, psychologically you become the symbol of the all-important mother to your guy. Your opinion becomes more important than any other person. So, let him know he’s your hero. Tell him what you love about him and appreciate everything he does.

Next time you see your guy, make it a point to appreciate and validate. It could be something as simple as: “I love the way you make me laugh!” or, “You always plan the best dates.”

What Men Really Want From You #3. Men want to provide for you

Now, I’m not advocating that we step back in time where men were the financial providers in relationships. What I am saying is that he needs to feel like he provides something for you. It gives him purpose. So, as I talk about in the video, he needs you to be receptive to what he is providing.

Leave your managerial hat at the door and let your guy take the lead. Be receptive to his love and support. Lean back and let him be the active one who does for you. Let him think about and help you solve your problems. When you receive his help, you’re sending him a message that says, “you are smart and competent and I trust and respect you.”

So ask your guy for help with something—a work problem, picking out a new phone or T.V. And, freely receive what he has to offer – without wanting it to be any different.

What Men Really Want From You #4. Men need freedom

Men need much more space than women. In fact, one of the most common commitment fears men have when they become serious with a woman is that they will lose their buddies, free time, and downtime.

Yep. Smothering a man or acting clingy or jealous will almost guarantee he will become emotionally distant and pull away.

Remember, men are wired to feel like they have to perform and produce. It’s refreshing when he has a partner who has her own life and lets him have space without holding it against him. So encourage him to hang out with his buddies! And make sure you also have your own world of friends and hobbies.

What Men Really Want From You #5. Men need sexual connection

Men connect through sex. Once you enter the realm of having sex, it’s critical to keep that spark hot. I always recommend that you act like you’re having a monogamous affair with your guy. So, flirt, touch him, and of course engage in win-win sexual fulfillment.
what men really want from you
So ask yourself, what would I be doing or saying right now if we were having an affair? Then go for it!

So there you have it – the inside scoop into what men want!

When you understand men, communicate positively, and embody your most authentic, confident self, you can create the relationship of your dreams. And to help you do just that, I’d like to buy you a session with one of my expert relationship coaches. So if you’re a smart successful woman you’ve come to the right place.

