New Year’s Eve Rituals – You Are The Magical One

couple celebrating new year


In this episode of Breathe Love & Magic podcast, learn about New Year’s Eve rituals, the numerology of 2022 which bides well for love, a charm for calling in magic to manifest, and a journey to the stars.


A Spiritual New Year’s Eve Celebration

couple celebrating new year's eve

Here it is – the end of another year. I wasn’t sure how I wanted to end the year for the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. But then I thought, how fortuitous. The podcast is published on Friday, which is New Year’s eve. So, I focused on bringing in the new year, setting you up for a fabulous 12 months like never before.

I’m going to cover three things today. The first is the numerology of 2022. The second is a prayer or charm (depending on what you want to call it) I created specifically for the New Year’s Eve rituals. Its purpose is to call in power to assist in manifesting whatever you want.

Last but not least, you’ll go on a magical journey to the stars and the edges of the Milky Way, to set yourself up for a magical and truly spectacular 2022!

It’s been my pleasure to create this podcast for you throughout 2021. I learned a lot doing this. Not only about how to put a decent podcast together and how to edit the recording.

I also learned a lot from the experts who came on the show and read many of their books, opening my eyes to new ways of looking at life. Hopefully, you have enjoyed the program as much as I have. Thank you so much for listening and for your positive reviews.

The Numerology of 2022!

numerology of 2022- happy new year!

The numerology for the coming year has gotten me really curious. Here’s how the math works out: 2022 = 2+2+2 = 6.

I know about one, four, eight, and nine but six is a mystery. That required a little research and this is what I discovered.

As it turns out, a six year emphasizes love and matters of the heart. It’s all about unconditional love, as well as the ability to heal, nurture, and support others and yourself.

This is a wonderful year for partnerships of all kinds, particularly of an emotional nature. Wahoo! One article I read said, “When love is your motivation, almost anything can be achieved.” Yes, how exciting!

That bodes well for 2022 and your love life if you ask me.

A six year can be a time for reinvention, where you embark on a journey of responsibility, relationships, balance, love, and healing. You may need to learn how to differentiate love from guilt, control, obligation, attraction, fear, and even hate.

It’s also a time to learn to be self-reliant and take full responsibility for yourself, a smart thing to do before a loving relationship shows up.

A six year can also deliver the power of magnetism, so be careful what you ask for or focus on! Be sure to concentrate only on what you DO want, not what you DON’T want or you might just get it.

One thing that stuck out, was the idea of seeking balance. This might be a year of ups and downs, and the more you seek equilibrium, the better off you’ll be. In my mind, that requires excellent self-care and vigilance not to over-extend yourself in any direction. Take care of #1 which is always YOU.

What Will You Manifest in 2022?

So, have you thought about what you want to create for 2022? Maybe you want to find out if love is in the cards for you this year. I can help with that. A card reading could be just what you need to set your intentions for 2022.

You might want insights from the cards or your spirit guides, angels, and ancestors. Choose from three different types of readings.

New Year’s Eve rituals are for the big picture stuff, so hopefully you have 3-5 things you want to create, attract, or achieve in 2022. This podcast is for the broad strokes of what you hope and wish for, not the minutia.

As I mediated on what to talk about and offer in this episode, the first thing that came was prayer, poem, incantation, chant, or charm. This type of thing has many names, but it doesn’t really matter what you call it.

New Year’s Eve Charm

what will you manifest in in new year

Recently I discovered that all the little poems and songs I have written over the years are actually charms. Who knew? I sure had no idea but always enjoyed creating them and then most importantly USING them.

I’m really excited about this particular charm because it’s been a while now since I’ve written one. And this is a really good one. You can use this for New Year’s Eve rituals to set yourself up for a wonderful year. Or you can use it anytime you feel the need.

I’ll say it for you now but you can download it in the first paragraph at the top of this post. There are two versions. One to say on your own and another to use with a group. This has been written as a blessing, using the pronoun “you” versus an affirmation which uses the pronoun “I” or Me”.

The reason for this is that your subconscious mind might sometimes reject anything said with the pronoun “I” because it doesn’t believe its possible. However, when you use the word “You” instead, you circumvent that issue completely.

Who needs to argue with their subconscious mind? Not me! So, I’ve come to use the word “You” instead of “me” or I and it is working beautifully. Now I’ll say the prayer or charm for you.

You Are the Magical One

you are magical

Calling in the ancient power.
Coming to you in this hour.
Stardust, magic, sparkle, and glow
Allow yourself to be in the flow.
Ride the waves, expand, and grow.
Open your heart and let the seeds sow.
Wish oh wish upon a star.
The magic comes from near and far,
Gathering energy and strength for you.
Giving life to your dreams anew.
Time is not important now.
You need not even know how.
But see it come true. Embrace it as done.
For ultimately you are the magical one.

Download your copy here

Did you feel any energy moving while listening? Did anything shift or open for you? It may have opened, expanded, or drawn power to you. Use this as you need any time you want to manifest for your highest good and the good of all concerned.

New Year’s Eve Rituals

For more than 30 years, I’ve been doing New Year’s Eve rituals and something spiritual to celebrate the end of one year and the start of a new one.

One year I was at a party with my friend Dawn and we had our lists of what we wanted to release and manifest. We ran into the ladies room to set them on fire and let our wishes go up in smoke (and ashes fall into the toilet – haha).

Another time we went outside at the stroke of midnight to do the same. We celebrated many New Year’s Eves together and always took time think about the future and what we wanted to create.

Even though in reality it’s just another day like any other. Still there’s something magical about starting a new year. My birthday is early in January, so it’s always been birthday season. The start of a new year based on my birth, not just the turning of the calendar.

The journey is about to begin, so shut off or mute any alerts or distractions and allow yourself to get comfortable. Then click the podcast recording at the top of the post and enjoy this fun, empowering, and magical meditative journey.

This is one of my favorite New Year’s Eve rituals and my gift to you!

That wraps up the Breathe Love & Magic podcast for 2021. Please share this with someone you love, if that feels right. May you be blessed in 2022 with love, magic, good fortune, and laughter.


Download your copy of the New Year’s Eve Manifesting Charm 



Single for too long, Ronnie wanted to find love. She put her skills from personal development and her spiritual path to work, dating 30 men in 15 months to meet her adorable husband Paul. Discovering the keys to manifesting and midlife dating, she founded It’s Never Too Late to help smart, successful women find love or live an empowered and magical life. Ronnie Ann Ryan, MBA, CCC, is a Certified Coach who has helped 1,000s of midlife women with her Love & Magical Life Coach services. She’s the host of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast and has been featured on NBC, ABC, & Fox News, NPR, BBC, eHarmony,, and Connecticut Magazine among others. Also, Ronnie is the author of 6 books which are available on Amazon.
